Active Immune For Kids Chewable Tabs (60)

Active Immune For Kids Chewable Tabs (60). Active Immune contains high strength Vitamin D as well as Vitamin C & Zinc in a delicious orange flavour chewable tablet.. Vitamin C For Kids. Vitamin C is an important vitamin found in many fruits and vegetables. As it is water-soluble it is not stored in the body and needs to be consumed every day. Active Immune contains the optimal dose to help support a healthy immune system.. Vitamin C is essential for a normal functioning immune system. It may also help iron absorption and contributes to normal collagen formation (used in skin, muscle and tendons) and the protection of cells from oxidative stress.. Vitamin D Supplement For Kids. Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, helps support a healthy immune system. It can be difficult to maintain vitamin D levels, particularly during the winter months when exposure to sunshine is limited. The HSE (Health Service Executive of Ireland) recommend that children routinely supplement with vitamin D due to low sun exposure and dietary intake of Vitamin D, particularly in winter months. Children need to have vitamin D all year round to maintain normal bones and teeth.. Active Immune for Kids contains a high strength (600 IU) vitamin D to help support a healthy immune function.. Zinc supplement For Kids. Zinc is an important mineral that has a role to play in many functions in the body. It has an essential role to play in supporting a healthy immune function. Active Immune contains a high dose of zinc to support a healthy immune system. Zinc also contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and cognitive function

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