Blepha EyeBag Warming Eye Mask (200)

Blepha EyeBag Warming Eye Mask (200). Reusable warming eye mask for rapid and long-lasting relief of Dry, Tired & Sore Eyes. Provides comfort for MGD – Blepharitis.. Rapid & long-lasting relief of Dry, Tired & Sore Eyes. Easy to use, microwaveable, can be heated up to 200 times. Relief of symptoms of other related eye conditions such as Styes & Chalazion. Gentle, pleasant to use warming eye mask to help unblock meibomian glands and improve tear quality. HOW TO USE BLEPHA EYEBAG. For the first 2 weeks of use twice a day for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Ideally morning and evening.. Suitable for children from the age of 3 years old, adults and pregnant or breastfeeding women.. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the constituents.

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