
Ex-Pro® Panasonic DMW-BCK7, DMW-BCK7E, DMW-BCK7PP Ultra White Series Replacement Battery 3.6v, 850mAh

Original price was: $54.97.Current price is: $7.97.

Ex-Pro® Ultra White 100% Compatible replacement battery for your equipment. Category A+ Cell Long-life with full protection circuits Ex-Pro Ultra White Series batteries are manufactured to the same or exceeded standards of your original OEM battery with no compromise in quality. Your product will have the exact same dimensions, same or higher mAh capacity for improved performance. Confidence in our quality gives Ex-Pro the advantage of been of one the few companies online offering our clients a 2 year defect warranty with returns exchange on our battery and charger products, supplying countless Professional’s, Studio’s etc with a cost effective alternative to original OEM batteries. PerformanceHigh powered, long-life and full protection circuits.WarrantyEx-Pro 2 year defect warranty.SpecificationReplaces :- Panasonic DMW-BCK7, DMW-BCK7E, DMW-BCK7PP Voltage :- 3.6v Battery mAh :- 850

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