Thea Pharma

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  • Blephasol Duo 100ml & 100 wipes
    Eye Health

    Blephasol Duo 100ml & 100 wipes

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    Blephasol Duo 100ml & 100 wipes. Ble­pha­sol Duo is a premium eye­lid cleans­ing solu­tion for the daily hygiene of sensitive eyelids.. Gentle cleansing solution ideal for eyelids and lashes – has been specially formulated to be kind to both skin and eyes.. Eye make-up remover — removes all dirt and debris, includ­ing eye make-up – no longer a need to purchase both.. Includes 100 lint-free pads – so no need to purchase any fur­ther pads. Cost sav­ing — a more eco­nom­i­cal alter­na­tive to wipes – up to 2 months’ usage per bottle. Pleas­ant to use, moisturizes and soothes with no ​‘soap effect’ or sting­ing, just gen­tle cleansing

  • Blephaclean Eye Lid Wipes (20)
    Eye Health

    Blephaclean Eye Lid Wipes (20)

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    Blephaclean Eye Lid Wipes (20). Gentle cleansing wipes for eyelids and eyelashes.. Preser­v­a­tive, per­fume and paraben-free. Suitable for children 3 months and older. So gen­tle, they can be used from age 3 months. No need for any rinsing. Suit­able for con­tact lens wearers. Suit­able for all Dry Eye suf­fer­ers, includ­ing con­tact lens wearers. Rec­om­mend­ed by oph­thal­mol­o­gists for pre-and post-eye pro­ce­dures – seek advice from your eye care specialist. These handy wipes are great for gentle cleansing of the eyelids and lashes, with no need for rinsing.. Preservative, perfume and paraben-free, they can be used from the age of 3 months and are suitable for contact lens wearers.

  • Blepha EyeBag Warming Eye Mask (200)
    Eye Health

    Blepha EyeBag Warming Eye Mask (200)

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    Blepha EyeBag Warming Eye Mask (200). Reusable warming eye mask for rapid and long-lasting relief of Dry, Tired & Sore Eyes. Provides comfort for MGD – Blepharitis.. Rapid & long-lasting relief of Dry, Tired & Sore Eyes. Easy to use, microwaveable, can be heated up to 200 times. Relief of symptoms of other related eye conditions such as Styes & Chalazion. Gentle, pleasant to use warming eye mask to help unblock meibomian glands and improve tear quality. HOW TO USE BLEPHA EYEBAG. For the first 2 weeks of use twice a day for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Ideally morning and evening.. Suitable for children from the age of 3 years old, adults and pregnant or breastfeeding women.. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the constituents.

  • Thealoz Duo Dry Eye Drops (10ml)
    Eye Health

    Thealoz Duo Dry Eye Drops (10ml)

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    Thealoz Duo Dry Eye Drops (10ml). Thealoz Duo Dry Eye drops are suitable for all Dry Eye sufferers, as they combine both long-lasting relief and protection for the surface of the eye.. • 100% Preser­v­a­tive-free. • Clin­i­cal­ly proven to increase the thick­ness of the tear film which relieves symp­toms of Dry Eye. • 0.15% Hyaluron­ic acid – this acts as a tear lubri­cant, pro­vides long-last­ing relief and soothes your symptoms. • 3% Tre­halose is added to pro­vide pro­tec­tion for the sur­face of the eye. • Suit­able for all Dry Eye suf­fer­ers, includ­ing con­tact lens wearers. • Unique bottle, the ABAK bottle for easy application. • The 10ml bot­tle has 300 drops and can be used for up to 3 months after opening. • Also avail­able in a 30-unit dose pack for more occa­sion­al use or for travelling. IDEAL FOR:. • All Dry Eye sufferers. • Peo­ple who have tried oth­er eye drops, but not found sat­is­fac­tion or comfort. • All Symp­toms – From mild-to-severe. • Con­tact lens wear­ers – for improved comfort

  • Zaspray Itchy & Dry Eye Relief Spray 10ml
    Eyes and Ears

    Zaspray Itchy & Dry Eye Relief Spray 10ml

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    Zaspray Itchy & Dry Eye Relief Spray 10ml. Dry eyes caused by allergies. Zaspray is the 3 in 1 solution that hydrates, lubricates and soothes the eye. It relieves itchy, irritated dry eyes caused by allergies.. Zaspray is 100% preservative FREE, easy to use and ideal for those who struggle with eye drops.. 3 in 1 solution: Hydrates –Lubricates – Soothes. Relieves itchy, irritated dry eyes caused by allergies. 100% preservative FREE. Easy to use, ideal for those who struggle with drops. Can be used in addition to other anti-allergic therapies.

  • Nutrof Total Macular Degeneration (30)
    Eye Health

    Nutrof Total Macular Degeneration (30)

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    Nutrof Total Macular Degeneration (30). Nutrof Total contains the carotenoids lutein (10mg) and zeaxanthin (2mg) and omega-3 essential fatty acids plus key vitamins and minerals and the powerful antioxidant resveratrol. Nutrof Total is a unique combination of ingredients formulated to maintain healthy eyes and vision that can be taken once daily. Nutrof Total has been especially formulated to help ensure that eyes have the correct nutritional intake to maintain eye health, particularly in older patients and those who smoke.. Ingredients. lutein and zeaxanthin are essential for the protection of the macula region of the retina from oxidative stress and signs of aging and can increase visual ability;. omega-3 fatty acids support retinal health;. vitamins C, D and E, zinc and copper help protect cell constituents from oxidative damage;. zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal vision;. selenium is a key antioxidant and also supports the action of vitamin E and zinc; resveratrol has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, and protects retinal cells from oxidative stress.. Nutrof Total is a dietary supplement and cannot replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

  • Blephademodex Eye Lid Wipes (30)
    Eye Health

    Blephademodex Eye Lid Wipes (30)

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    Blephademodex Eye Lid Wipes (30). BLEPHADEMODEX® is recommended for daily hygiene of the eyelids when there is inflammation caused by Demodex.. BLEPHADEMODEX® cleans away crusts, eyelash dandruffs, impurities mites and debris on eyelids and eyelashes that cause eyelid inflammation and is clinically proven to improve symptoms linked to Demodex infestation.. BLEPHADEMODEX® has two key active ingredients:. Terpinen-4-ol, a purified active extract from Tea Tree Oil, at a low concentration of 2.5% is used for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.. Sodium hyaluronate, a natural skin soothing and moisturising agent. It ensures a natural hydration of sensitive skin around the eye and eyelid, and allows soothing regeneration of the skin around the eyelid area.. The mechanical action of these 2 key active ingredients cleans away crusts, dandruffs, impurities and infectious agents on eyelids and skin around the eye.. BLEPHADEMODEX® is preservative free and is available in boxes of 30 sterile ready to use wipes.. If you wear contact lenses: you must remove them before using Blephademodex:. Open a sachet and unfold the wipe inside.. Place the wipe on top of the index finger and wrap it around.. Keep the eye closed, gently apply the pad to the eyelids and the base of the eyelashes.. Carefully massage the eyelids with small circular movements, gently removing any crusts, eyelash dandruff or secretions.. Repeat on the other eye, using a new wipe.. Keep your eye closed for 15 seconds after application. Blephademodex is non-greasy and does not need to be rinsed after use.

  • Thealoz Duo Gel (30)
    Eye Health

    Thealoz Duo Gel (30)

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    Thealoz Duo Gel (30). Thealoz Duo Gel contains trehalose 3%, sodium hyaluronate 0.15% and carbomer 0.25% in a preservative free gel formulation. Trehalose helps protect corneal cells from the osmotic stress of a dry eye environment, by regulating the movement of water across cell membranes, stabilising the lipid bilayer and preventing the denaturation of proteins under osmotic stress conditions. Trehalose enhances TFEB (Transcription factor EB) activity, a key regulator of autophagy. In this way, cell renewal is promoted and apoptosis and the associated inflammation is reduced.. Sodium hyaluronate adds moisture by retaining water to hydrate and lubricate the surface of the eye. Trehalose is a clinically proven bioprotective gel indicated for treatment of moderate to severe dry eye disease, providing osmoprotection and bioprotection for cells on the corneal surface.1-6 The viscosity of the gel formulation increases residency time in the eye, making it particularly suitable for night time use.. Products containing preservatives can cause ocular surface toxicity, leading to inflammation and cell death. Using preservative-free eye drops supports the health of the ocular surface.

  • Hyabak 0.15% Sodium Hyaluronate Dry Eye Drops
    Eyes and Ears

    Hyabak 0.15% Sodium Hyaluronate Dry Eye Drops

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    Hyabak 0.15% Sodium Hyaluronate Dry Eye Drops. Hyabak Dry Eye drops are suitable for all Dry Eye sufferers looking for an everyday drop, providing long-lasting relief.. Hypo­ton­ic solu­tion restores the nat­ur­al bal­ance of the tear film. Preser­v­a­tive-free. Easy-to-squeeze ABAK® bot­tle – easy to admin­is­ter drops. Handy size, no wastage, economical. Suit­able for reg­u­lar use. Ideal for con­tact lens wearers. 10ml bot­tle has 300 drops per bottle. Unique bot­tle design means it is preser­v­a­tive-free for up to 3 months

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